Thursday, January 27, 2011

Definition of Happiness

Definition of Happiness

No matter what your definition of happiness is, we all want to be happy in this lifetime. Only a few if not, nobody wants to be sad all their lives. Happiness is all about celebrating life and everything it brings. For some, happiness might take form of a physical material while others find it deep within them. Which one is your happiness? Here are some ways for you to find them.

When things go bad as it always does, look at the situation is another person's eyes. You might think that what you have right now is the worse thing you can possibly encounter but what you do not know is that this is just the tip of the iceberg for some people. Others live and breathe what you have considered today as a bad thing which you should appreciate.

This ultimately leads to being grateful with everything that comes your way. The best thing about life is that it happens for a reason and it is supposed to strengthen you. You may consider a bad situation as something you need to forget but never in a million years should you not be grateful that it has come to you and has strengthened you.

Come to think of it, when we were kids we do not have the problems that we have today. We barely think of bills or even money for gas; what we can only think of was how are we going to play with our neighbors and which games are we going to play. We can bring back those happy memories by getting into the game that you really love during your childhood days.

The best thing money cannot buy is love. Surround yourself with loved ones by spending quality time with them every now and then. Schedule a weekly dinner with them or go out with friends. Bask under their love.

What others tend to forget when they go about and live their routinary lives is to live each moment as if it is their last. Letting every moment count makes your life a lot easier and lets you be free of everything that is bothering you for the entire day.

Find the meaning of your life. It is the ultimate quest of oneself and by finding out what your purpose is for living then you might as well found your true happiness whether it be serving for the church or doing charity work.

Pursue a goal that you have been wanting to for a long time. For example, if you have been itching to try out that new restaurant for several weeks now, go ahead and try it out and find your momentary happiness. Seek out the pleasures in life and dwell upon it.

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Unknown said...

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Victoria said...

LOL! That picture is from Happiness of the Katakuris, a violent, graphic, dark-comedy, Japanese language horror musical. It does have the word 'happiness' in the english translation of the title, but dark, graphic movies aren't what I think about when it comes to the psychology of real, human happiness.