Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How to Maintain Happiness

How to Maintain Happiness
By Kendra Dahlstrom, eHow Contributor

Happiness or the lack of happiness can strongly affect your life. The way you treat ourselves and other people is directly related to your happiness.

If you feel happy about your life, you treat others well. If you are unhappy with the curve-balls life has thrown you, it begins to show in your relationships.

Happiness and peace of mind is not something you just feel, it is also a state of being. You must actively work at keeping yourself happy. There are some things you can do to actively maintain your own happiness.


  • Exercise your body every day for at least 20 minutes. Get your heart and blood pumping. The endorphins created when you exercise will lift your spirits no matter what you feel like that particular day.

  • Write down 10 positive things about yourself on pieces of paper. For instance, "I am a successful business woman". Place these pieces of paper in strategic areas like the bathroom mirror and your steering wheel. Read them every day and repeat them in your head.

  • Meditate each day for 15 minutes. If you do not enjoy meditating, at least spend 15 minutes in silence reflecting on your day, your hopes and your dreams.

  • Surround yourself with happy people. If you know toxic people that like to gossip or make fun of others to bring themselves up, simply stay away.

  • Spend time outdoors or in the sun. Breathing fresh air and basking in natural sunlight is one of the best and easiest ways to lift your spirits and make you feel happy.

Tips & Warnings

  • You can easily combine steps. For instance, exercise by taking a walk in the sunshine.

  • Don't get discouraged if you become sad. It will happen; just understand that you can bounce back

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