Wednesday, January 14, 2009

True Happiness And Its Secrets

True Happiness And Its Secrets

Understanding what is true happiness, is the first secret to it all. After all happiness is not that elusive pot of gold people dream of at the end of the rainbow. It is all your state of mind rather than your situation.

Family and friends surround the happiest people in the world, for happy people don't care about what their neighbours have and tend to lose themselves in daily activities. Vanuatu, with a low ecological footprint, was voted the Happiest Country on Earth, in 2006. This tiny South Pacific tropical island nation, had a GNP that was rated 207, out of the 233 countries world-wide. This proved that money is not the key to happiness for happiness is not something you can go out and buy.

"The happiest people judge themselves by their own yardsticks, never against what others do, or have", says Martin. E.P. Seligman, Pennsylvania psychologist.

Others say that the happiest people are those who have learnt the art of forgiving easily. Psychologists do agree that gratitude is a major factor in life satisfaction and experiencing the feeling of well being.

The common perception of Western society seems to be that happiness is the outcome of what people achieve, or acquire. These are people who live by the'‘If only…' syndrome. Yet, you can achieve everything you want and still be miserable. On the other hand you can have very little and yet be filled with joy.

When a young man was recently in danger of losing his eyesight he came face to face with a new reality. "An eye is worth at least five million dollars. You have two of them? You're rich. If you really appreciate your eyesight, then the other miseries are nothing. Yet if you take it all for granted, then nothing in life will ever truly give you joy".

It is possible to intellectually understand how to attain happiness, so the experts all say, yet not put it into practice, for in the end happiness is an attitude of choice. It's how you choose to look at life. It is possible to intellectually understand how to attain happiness, so the experts all say, yet not put it into practice, for in the end happiness is an attitude of choice. It's how you choose to look at life. There are some people who prefer to be comfortable and unhappy, rather than make the effort and wear the discomfort of changing their habits in the search of true happiness.

For others, the key to happiness is based on being considerate of the people they come in contact with. It is well documented that we subconsciously mimic those around us. This is an easy theory to prove. Simply walk into a roomful of people with a smile on your face. Half an hour later walk into the same room with a scowl on your face. Watch the reflective reaction of those around you.

The scientific community is now one in its opinion that the search for happiness is becoming more scientific and a field of vital exploration. American social philosopher, Eric Hoffer, however states, "The search for happiness is one of the chief sources of unhappiness".

Perhaps happiness in January 2009, is not having lost a fortune on the stock market in 2008. Here are a few tips that you may find useful in your quest for happiness:

• Visualize current and future events in isolation
• Realize bad times are an inevitable part of the life cycle
• Rationalize and adjust to the low times as quickly as possible
• Always remember tomorrow is new day. A chance for a new beginning
• Trust in your own resilience – you can always go a lot further than you
think you can.

Finally, try a very simple formula to happiness. Each evening sit down with your spouse, partner, or roommate and talk about just one pleasure that each of you had during the day. If you are a family, incorporate this into your family routine so that your children also learn to appreciate the daily joys of living. Often it is the small things that make the difference.

Life is full of those once in a lifetime Blue Moon Opportunities, that can make or break you. Success it not happiness, but failure to try, leads to a life full of regrets. Here’s wishing you all the happiness you can find in 2009.

By: Lynette Thomas
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